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As a Cista Application engineer, you should have a good understanding of the sensor architecture and image processing, which is essential to evaluate and improve the image quality. Basic knowledge about CMOS and pixel design are also required. You should have hardware knowledge and experience to help the customer solve various system level application issues.Responsibilities:Sensor verification: Work closely with design team to verify each function of the sensor. Evaluate image quality to see if it meets the design target and application requirement. Find feasible system level work-around if some issues can't be addressed by design. Provide objective image analysis assistance during various design phases.Develop a deep understanding of customer systems and use cases, and then work closely with FAE s, internal and external hardware and firmware developers to develop, optimize and validate imaging solutions. Design demo systems and reference designs, and develop settings, documentation, training and other collateral to complement products. Make special reference design based on customer s requirement. Requirements:1.Master's degree in EE/CS/Optical Engineering or other related field 0-3 years of experience2.Direct experience supporting customeris required3.Proficiency in C, C++ and / or Matlab coding to design and run simulations for complex image pipeline4.Knowledge of image processing algorithms and digital logic design is a plus.5.Team player with good communication and presentation skills.6.Well organized, methodical, and detail oriented.Position: IMAGING SCIENTISTNumber of Positions: 1Category: EngineeringLocation: ShangHaiOverview: Cista Design Inc. is a start-up company that develops CMOS image sensors and System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions for mobile handsets, consumer electronics and surveillance camera markets. Cista is aggressively expanding its Imaging System and Algorithm Group to develop new and exciting image processing algorithms in areas such as high-quality demosaicing techniques, color processing, denoising, lens shading correction, AE/AF/AWB, dynamic range enhancement, pattern recognition and other areas. As a Cista Imaging Scientist, you will work closely with our research, development, and engineering teams located in San Jose (USA), and Shanghai to develop and implement new image processing algorithms in hardware and software for current and future Cista products.Responsibilities:The imaging scientist will be responsible for developing architectures, algorithms, and implementation details for new advanced pixels. Design and development of image processing algorithms such as demosaicing, denoising, edge-enhancement, bad pixel correction, high dynamic range imaging, adaptive tonal mapping, AE, AWB, AF, still/video image stabilization and other scene analysis based algorithms.Work with an ASIC, CMOS process technology, advanced pixel design teams for optimal implementation.Design in machine vision such as statistical pattern classification, neural networking, scene analysis, facial recognition algorithmsPerform system modeling of camera pipeline components, including imagers and digital image processing modules.Perform signal analysis to evaluate quality of image processing algorithms and systems; Perform analysis and characterization of imaging sensors. Requirements:1.Ph.D. in Imaging Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Vision, or related fields2.In-depth knowledge of camera image processing pipeline3.Proficiency in C, C++ and / or Matlab coding to design and run simulations for complex image pipeline4.Background in image processing in related industries, such as digital still camera or surveillance camera is a plus5.Knowledge of hardware realization of the algorithms is a big plus6.Team player with good communication and presentation skills.7.Well organized, methodical, and detail oriented.Position: Algorithm Development EngineerVP{lxS] z^Number of Positions: 1Category: EngineeringLocation: ShangHaiOverview: Cista Design Inc. is a start-up company that develops CMOS image sensors and System-on-Chip (SOC) solutions for mobile handsets, consumer electronics and surveillance camera markets. Cista is aggressively expanding its Imaging System and Algorithm Group to develop new and exciting image processing algorithms in areas such as high-quality demosaicing techniques, color processing, denoising, lens shading correction, AE/AF/AWB, dynamic range enhancement, pattern recognition and other areas. As a Cista Image Scientist, you will work closely with our research, development, and engineering teams located in San Jose (USA), and Shanghai to develop and implement new image processing algorithms in hardware and software for current and future Cista products.Responsibilities:Research and develop still/motion image processing algorithms relating to auto exposure control, bad pixel correction, color interpolation, white balance, noise reduction, image enhancement, and/or pattern recognitionPerform system modeling of camera pipeline components, including imagers and digital image processing modules.Perform signal analysis to evaluate quality of image processing algorithms and systems. Perform analysis and characterization of imaging sensors. Algorithm optimization in Mathematics or Hardware.Work with hardware engineers to conduct hardware implementation solutions to embed the algorithms into chips; Help hardware engineers to check bugs and verify the implementation.Define product tuning tools and documentation for customers, as well as training for applications team Requirements:1.Master's degree in EE/CS/Optical Engineering or other related field 0-3 years of experience2.Experience in image processing algorithms with background in advanced filtering, color reproduction, automated threshold selection, pattern recognition, statistical analysis, etc.3.Proficiency in C, C++ and / or Matlab coding to design and run simulations for complex image pipeline4.Background in image processing in related industries, such as digital still camera or surveillance camera is a plus5.Knowledge of hardware realization of the algorithms is a big plus6.Team player with good communication and presentation skills.7.Well organized, methodical, and detail oriented. 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